Bianca Balti sexy in lingerie fashion

Bianca Balti is an Italian model born in Lodi, in the Lombardy region of north Italy. She was discovered by Bruno Pauletta in a supermarket, where she was working to finance her studies. She was promptly booked for the cover of L'Officiel, shot by Alexi Lubomirski. Her first notable advertisement campaign came for Dolce & Gabbana. She has appeared on the covers of many fashion magazines, including Vogue, Harper's Bazaar, W, Cosmopolitan, and Marie Claire, as well as men's magazine Playboy. Her campaigns include Roberto Cavalli, Donna Karan, Christian Dior, D&G, Valentino, Armani Jeans, Missoni, Rolex, Guess?, Paco Rabanne, Anna Molinari, Guerlain, Revlon, La Perla, Mango, and Thierry Mugler.

She also appeared in the 2005 Victoria's Secret fashion show and in their catalogs.

Since the spring/summer 2005 fashion shows, she has appeared shows for designers such as Karl Lagerfeld, Gianfranco Ferré, Marc Jacobs, Alexander McQueen, Givenchy, Zac Posen, Hermès, John Galliano, Gucci, Fendi, Prada, Valentino, Missoni, Chanel, Christian Dior, Versace, Oscar de la Renta, Narciso Rodriguez, Ralph Lauren, and Carolina Herrera.
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