Catrinel Menghia sexy in lingerie fashion

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Catrinel Menghia is a famous Model born in Romania. It is believed that Catrinel Menghia wanted to become a famous athlet before starting modeling activity. She was born on October 1st, 1985.Catrinel was discovered at age of 16 years old on the street by a local agent (Lucian) who brought her later in Bucharest to meet MRA Agency and Liviu Ionescu. After six months the parents agreed that Catrinel moves in Bucharest and starting an international modeling career.She participated in the same Ford Models' Supermodel of the World Romania 2001 (as Elena Baguci in November 2001) where she won .... the same second runner-up prize.She is living in Milan and working mostly for lingerie clients all over the world between New York, London, Munchen, Hamburg, Athens, Barcelon or Milan.
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