Denise Vasi sexy in lingerie fashion

Denise Vasi is a model of Fashion Modeling Agency. She is currently an actress on All My Children as Randi Morgan. She is from New York City. Her mother is of Dominican descent, her father is Greek descent.

she is represented by Next Models and has been featured in numerous on-camera and print campaigns for leading cosmetics and hair care brands (Olay, Spring 2007 and 2009; Bobbi Brown, Spring 2008; Target; Nexxus; Urban Decay; Cosmpolitan’s “Beauty Capital of the World” NYC banner campaign) as well as fashion labels (Fiorucci, Spring 2009; Dollhouse; American Eagle; Old Navy).

In addition to "All My Children," Denise's acting credits include the upcoming Disney feature film release When in Rome, in which she plays opposite Jon Heder (Napoleon Dynamite, Blades of Glory), "Law and Order: Criminal Intent," the feature independent films Doorman and The Good Guy (starring Alexis Bledel), and music videos for Grammy-winning recording artist Common and R&B singer Mario.
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