Leah Dizon sexy in lingerie fashion

Leah Dizon is an American-born gaijin tarento, singer, and gravure idol in Japan. Born and raised in Las Vegas, Nevada, she moved to Tokyo, Japan in 2006 to pursue an entertainment career. On September 12, 2007, Dizon released her debut album, Destiny Line. The CD+DVD Edition contains 14 tracks, 10 of which were penned by Leah herself the single PVs as well as a special album PV "Again and Again". The CD Only Edition contains the digitally-released remix of "Koi Shiyō", called "Koi Shiyō♪ (Yasutaka Nakata-Capsule Mix)".

Dizon's third photobook titled Heaven, was released October 5, 2007. It includes a DVD.

Dizon released her fourth single entitled "Love Paradox" on March 26, 2008. The title track resembles a Westernized urban song and the B-side, "Under the Same Sky," is a mid-tempo ballad. On the same day, she also released her fourth photobook, "Pure Leah."

On April 18 it was announced that Leah's song, "Under the Same Sky", will be used as the theme song for the Japanese drama, Tokyo Prom Queen. Leah made a guest appearance on the show as Naomi, the prom queen from the previous year.

Her fifth single, "Vanilla", was released on June 25, 2008. Her second album, Communication!!!, was released August 20, 2008.

Dizon's first concert DVD, LIVE Communication!!! was released on December 10, 2008. The DVD features live performances of songs from both her albums.
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