Some weeks are easier than others

Can you find the waygook among the tired children?

Last week I promised to post pictures of the area I was exploring. However, I discovered an important fact while there. It was boring (the area, not the people). So rather than waste your time, i'll just post one picture from a rose garden there and move on.

The rose garden

Ok I lied. Here's one picture of Wonju. See what I mean.

The rest of the week so far has been fantastic. Temps are in the lower 70s. Monday was a national holiday. Tuesday my entire school went on a field trip to a place called Eco-land. I wish I could make up a name that great but once again Korea goes above and beyond to amuse me. It consisted of (and I am not making this up) riding a train through a forest, walking on a bridge over a big pond, looking at terrible animal sculptures possibly made from grass, taking a walk in an overgrown semi-jungle and then spending 2 hours running around a big field with half a dozen small wooden sheds/playhouses. Why on earth people would pay for this experience I can not fathom. Fortunately I was saved from ennui by my students who kept the day interesting and fun. I even taught a group of them to sing Zip-a-dee-doo-da during the hike.

This group to be specific


Wednesday continued my no-teaching streak with both of my classes for the day getting canceled. This allowed me to do something far more important. Watch the Mavericks win game 4 of the NBA Finals. Thursday also proved to be a classless day thanks to a field trip at my other school. If you know anything about the level of coordination and planning consistently exercised by the schools here, you'll know what came next. I was told about my field trip by text message wednesday evening, was not told where we were going or when to arrive. So the next morning I found myself on the bus destined for, you guessed it, Eco-land again!! Be still my beating heart. Still it beats actually working for my money.

I could hardly contain my excitement

Clearly, neither could they

So now I move into friday, fully prepared to earn a weeks salary for teaching 4 classes (instead of my usual 28). Sometimes life can be pretty good.
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